Outside Shower
Types of Outdoor Showers
Outdoor Shower Compartment:

Permanent mounted outdoor shower enclosures typically come with a small locking compartment on the exterior of the RV to conveniently store the shower hose when not in use. This compartment helps protect the hose from the elements and keeps it readily accessible.
Water Bay Hookup:

Some RVs may have an outside shower hookup located in the water bay. This is a designated water connection point specifically for an outdoor shower. You would need a separate shower hose and sprayer to use this connection, but it offers another option for installing an outdoor shower system.
Nautilus Panels and Outdoor Showers:

Outdoor showers can be integrated directly into pre-made panels like Nautilus. These panels may include a faucet, showerhead, and hose connection point, all conveniently housed within the panel for a streamlined look. This can be a good option for those looking for a more integrated and aesthetically pleasing outdoor shower solution.